with MommyBrain and SupahMommy
What's your most favorite part of your home?
Is it a special reading nook?
Is it the broom closet you hide in ?
Is it your drawer pulls in the kitchen that took 34 years to re-do?
Is it your deck on a summer night?
Show us in a picture and tell us in words.
What's your most favorite part of your home.
Britt and I on swing. I love porch swings!
I look rough I had been riding 4 wheelers with the kids.
My favorite part of my house in my huge back porch my hubby built. It goes almost the length of my house and we spend lots of time out there. Sorry the pics are not the best but I haven't gotten it in shape for Spring yet and these were taken last year when Kel came home.
The girls sitting out there visiting.
Just some of my family when Kel came home.
This is the best pic I have of the porch.
Right now Britt is outside building me a sunroom....
I do love that man!
I love porch swings too!!! Sooooo peaceful!
I'll check pics later, I can't see any on blogger.
I bet you love having such a talented man.
I so want a nice porch where I can sit with family and friends. Some place where, when I am older and have grandbabies, they can come play and I can sit and read or whatever and watch and listen to them.
I have porch envy. Yours is so very nice!
I love porch swings too and really really miss sitting out there in the evenings listening to the crickets chirp! Woo hoo - I hope it STAYS 80 and sunny while we are there next week too! Keep me posted! LOL
Oh, I want a big porch like that...we are talking about a sunroom to increase our space a bit...but not this year, I think hubby is done for this year!
I love your porch! We really want a big porch with a swing and rocking chairs. :)
I love your porch too! That is what I want when we finally settle down into a home for more than 3 years. :) So fun!
I covet your porch swing! Our porch isn't big enough for one and the view is blocked by an aggravating tree, but in my next house (or life), I am totally getting one!
Love your porch!! I really want one. Who knew I would grow up and want a porch? lol
I am jealous! I wanna one of each!
Britt has got you spoiled!!! That porch is huge. I can see why you enjoy hanging out there.
ooh I love this!!!
I'd love to have a huge porch where family can sit all together as well!!
Oh that looks SO AWESOME! I so wish we had a porch or a deck! :(
oh love it!!!!!
OHhh I wanna sit there. :) I love porch swings. Grew up sleeping out on my grammas porch in the summer. Love the swing !
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