with MommyBrain and SupahMommy
I MUST have it Monday.
What was it? A benetton shirt? Converse sneakers?Jelly shoes?
There was ONE item that you wanted when you were a youth.
What was it?
You know, the one your begged and pleaded for. The one you sold your soul for?
Show us a pic if you can and tell us a story about how you got it.
The one thing I can remember wanting so bad I could taste it when I was a kid wasa POGO stick!
I can remember asking and begging for one for what seemed like years but I'm sure it was just months. I do remember mama was still married to Nolan (my birth dad) so I had to be around 9 years old. I did get it... for my birthday I think. I spent many hours trying to learn how to jump and I never quite mastered it.BUT I loved my pogo stick!
I MUST have it Monday.
What was it?
A benetton shirt?
Converse sneakers?
Jelly shoes?
There was ONE item that you wanted when you were a youth.
What was it?
You know, the one your begged and pleaded for.
The one you sold your soul for?
Show us a pic if you can and tell us a story about how you got it.
The one thing I can remember wanting so bad I could taste it when I was a kid was
a POGO stick!

I can remember asking and begging for one for what seemed like years but I'm sure it was just months. I do remember mama was still married to Nolan (my birth dad) so I had to be around 9 years old.
I did get it... for my birthday I think.
I spent many hours trying to learn how to jump and I never quite mastered it.
I loved my pogo stick!
how fun
Those seemed to scary for me. I remember wanting a pair of roller blades. Mom goes to a garage sale thinking that roller skates and roller blades are the same thing, so she buys me this old ass roller skates. she was so freaking happy about it, so I just acted like I was happy too. I did like my new "roller skates," but as soon as I started working, I got me a new pair of roller blades.
I don't think I ever had one myself but I do remember playing on them.
I think my two older siblings had them. I think my mom knew I didn't have enough coordination for one :)
I think Anonymous is on acid! Anywhoo.. i ate sh** on those things! Scared the heck outta me!
Isn't it crazy what our young minds fixate on?
For me, the noise of a metal pogo stick is like nails on a chalkboard ... ugh!
How fun! I wanted a pogo ball. Pogo ball is what you call it when you're hopping and a bopping all week long...or something like that was the song.
I almost split my head open trying to use that thing.
I never had a real pogo stick, but I had the pogo ball stick. LMAO!
I personally think pogo sticks are a lot harder to handle than we think. It looks like fun but I think bruises come next. Still worth a shot.
Gosh, wish I had seen this earlier today. I saw 2 of those at the Goodwill today! I could of bought you one...lol!
I never had one but played with one and never could get the hang of it!! I remember wanting a fancy record player and the one I got was a little babyish!!
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