I thought I would post to Diane's Trash to Treasure. I've been lurking over there and seeing all the great thrifty finds for a while now...might as well join the fun! This is a armoire (spl) I found in a thrift store. I only paid $80 for it and thought that was a bargain. Someone had done a dry paint all over it in blue and I really didn't like how it looked. I also think it might have been left outside because it was filthy inside. It only has 4 knobs in this picture and since I redid it i lost one so I only have 3 now. Maybe I'll come across 2 like these? Probably not...

I think it might have originally had glass where the chicken wire is now.

This is after sanding and using paint remover *stinky* for what seemed forever. I had so many cramps in my hands doing the sanding on this thing.
I painted the inside a cream color and decoupaged old hymnal sheets on the shelves. I had some pretty ribbon I put on the edges.

I painted the inside a cream color and decoupaged old hymnal sheets on the shelves. I had some pretty ribbon I put on the edges.

I decided to hang some burlap like material behind the wire while I used it as extra storage....I might change that up once we get finished with the remodeling on the house.
For more Trash to Treasure Go check out Diane's place. Thanks!

Your hard work has paid off; this is a REAL treasure! Thanks for sharing. Happy Trash to Treasure day.
This turned out fabulous! What a difference! I know how long VERY SMALL projects take. I cannot begin to imagine the number of hours you must have in such a large undertaking.
Great job,and for 80 bucks you have a beautiful cabinet! I have used alot of strippers and had bought a heat gun...and I love it ( much better on the manicure too)So if you have not tried one you really might like it!
OMG, what a steal of a deal you found!!Lucky you! It's gorgeous. I wanted to say thanks for stopping by blog and the lovely comments you made about my website. Please visit the blog often, as you never know what you will find there for sale (not sure the price will be as good as the gorgeous armoire you got, but you might be surprised. It turned out beautiful! Mimi
Wow Lisa,
What a transformation! The furniture looks fabulous and I'm sure very useful.
Thanks so much for linking to Trash to Treasure!
Hope you'll link again!
What a great transformation, Lisa! You worked so hard on this piece, and it shows. Good price, too!
Glad you joined us!
Sheila :-)
What a beautiful armoire, and what a ton of work! I'm sanding my kitchen cabinets this week (more than 20 doors with recessed panels), so I have huge amounts of sympathy for your tired hands :o) I've switched from a regular sanding block to those 3M sanding sponges, and like the sponges much better.
Glad you joined us for Trash to Treasure ... have a terrific week!
Happy Trash to Treasure day...nice to meet you!
Thanks for the visit...
I hope to post more soon.
Not enough hours in a day.
Nice to meet you, I enjoy your Blog.
OMGosh, it is absolutely lovely! You have a treasure for sure. You did a superb job of restoration! Wow is all I can say. I have done that kind of thing and it isn't easy at all and very time consuming! Lovely.
You did a great job! Total transformation!
Thanks for the blog advice & for entering our giveaway! I just added ways for you to get extra enties in our giveaway...come by and check it out. Ok so I'm off to check out your blog!
Take Care
You really did an awesome job on this girl!
I'm so glad you joined the Show & Tell! I haven't seen it!
It's beautiful! You did a fantastic job!
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