Sexy. It will be a simple gift given to 3 people who comment on my blog telling me about an act of kindness that you have done for someone OR an act of kindness you heard about or seen that touched you.
I'll be picking the winners by drawing names the old fashion way. Please remember if you win , you need to continue paying it forward.
The gift? I'm not sure yet...I will have 2 or 3 frugal gifts and you can pick which one you would like. The giveaway will run from today til next Tuesday, Jan. the 27th.
Good luck and thank you!!
I realized I didn't tell my act of kindness-
In 2004 I had just gotten divorced, was working 3 jobs and was broke like nobodies business. It was getting cold and I knew the water pipes under my house that my soon to be ex husband was suppose to wrap would freeze...I didn't need that. I would have gotten under there and done it myself but I'm very claustrophobic. So at one of my jobs, I worked at a small country store, there was this guy who told me to buy the foam wrappers and for $20 he would get under there and wrap everything for me. I literally paid this young man in almost all change,even pennies. I was broke...very. So the kindness part comes in when I went to check the mail. I had an envelope with a small card in it written in red crayon that said "we love you." and there was 2 $20 bills in it. I still don't know who sent me that money. I suspect it was from a person at my church but no one had ever told me. I needed that $20 so bad and God knew that. I still tear up about that card and $20.
If you found me through Bloggy Giveaways Carnival, thank you and you can get back there thru this link and if you didn't find me through the carnival....go check it out!!!
I have decided to run this giveaway til next Tuesday. So I'll be more prepared! I'll choose 3 winners on the 2nd of February. Can you believe February is almost here? Seems like it was Christmas just last week!
Thanks for checking out my blog, the giveaway is now posted if you would like to enter! I loved your trash to treasure armoire, it's beautiful!
In April, 1995 I ran my first - and only - marathon. I had trained for many months for that 26.2 mile race and I am not athletic by nature. I slowly ran the first 20 miles and then had to start walking. As I approached the finish line, onlookers by the finisher's clock urged me to hurry so I could finish under 6 hours, and I did. After I crossed the finish line, I started looking for the person giving out the finisher's medal which had been promised to everyone who actually finished the 26.2 mile race. (Many do not finish.) I finally found a race official, and made my request for my finisher's medal only to be told that they had all been given out. I was speechless, exhausted, and wavering on my feet, barely able to stand. Then the gentleman runner talking to the race director took the medal from around his own neck and insisted that I take it. I refused, not wanting to have h-i-s medal. He insisted and I cherish the medal to this day. I speak to my elementary school students about kindness, and let them wear my finisher's medal. When I share this story, I still get tears in my eyes over the kindness shown by this gentleman 13 years ago to an absolute stranger - me.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
It's little but I do it all the time. This week I have helped 4 people with thier blogs. I've made banners, siggys and fixed code so thier blogs looked and ran better. I knwo that's not big.
I was in the drive thru line at Popeye's chicken and this poor little lady came up to my car. It was easy to see she had some type of problems..she handed me a note that I never could even read. Thank God I had remembered putting a $10 bill in the little console between my seats for an emergency since I only had a debit card for food. I gave her the $10 and I guess God had me put it in there just for a moment like that.
Hello, what a very nice contest you are running. The last act of kindness I did this week was when I was going to church I held the doors open for a man in a wheelchair with no legs. He gave me a big smile and said thank you very much. That just made my day. Thank you for the chance to win.
My mother was diagnosed with cancer in July. Since than, we have lived with her to assist with groceries, bills and more (with our first daughter being born in September). We have had people slip money into our vehicle at religious events. One of the times she was in the hospital, someone showed up and gave her a new scarf for her head and a check for $100. Our family all cried. We will also be doing the 3-day coming up.
Thanks so much for this giveaway. Can't wait to see what the prize will be!
When I was a new single mom with nothing - and yep, nothing... I was given a box of food & Christmas presents for my son. His first Christmas, and I hadn't been able to afford a single gift.
Every year since, we've participated in buying gifts for needy families. Each tear, it moves me to tears that I'm so thankful I can participate as I remember how hard it was when I didn't have anything. This year, I didn't think I could afford to. I'm about to file bankruptcy, and while I did end up with about $20 to spend on Christmas gifts for my two sons - it was all I had. So, I wasn't going to participate in a donation this year. But, my son was looking at the list of items they were asking for donations for - and he found someone looking for a hat & gloves. Since I knit and have lots of yarn ... it didn't cost me anything but time. I was almost in tears when I dropped off the hat & gloves I made this year. I explained what we were doing to my 5 yr old, and he was convinced that the volunteer that took them from me was taking them straight to Santa Claus .... :-)
It is so nice to see that you are doing this for the give away. I have been sitting here trying to think of something to post. I did not want to post anything that I have done, so here goes. My mom was a single mother of 4 children. My dad never paid child support & we had very little. She could not afford to buy new clothes when school started or Christmas. But God always provided. We never went without food or clothing. God is so good. My family gives back every year. That is one of the best lessons a parent can give a child, serve others.
I'm not comfortable with telling my kindnesses but I'll tell one my son did. He lives in the college dorm and saw a student who lived on the four floor moving. The boy had been reassigned to the first floor. My son saw the boy struggling with all his stuff, microwave, refrigerator, tv ...not to mention his books, clothes and all. My son followed him and helped carry all the heavy furniture down four flights of stairs. He said it took hours to move everything. I just thought it was a sweet thoughtful thing to do for a stranger.
When I was about 8, I remember this family coming to our house with bags of food, a coconut cake, presents for me and my brothers, and then they sang Christmas carols for us. We read a story about Jesus and they told my mom that no matter what..God would always be there for her. We had nothing when I was growing up..but that day, it gave me hope. I don't want to go on about it, but I do my best to repay that day 20 times over..in the hopes that they will feel the hope I felt that moment so many years ago...
We are helping with the local Cub Scouts and donating a brand new bike and helping feed the homeless in 2 weeks. THank you
That is a beautiful story!!
I know of this little girl who had a 6th birthday last month. And I know she likes Cinderella and i saw a cinderella cake already made at the store. So i took it over to her house and sang happy birthday with her family. THe mother had told me she planned on making a cake but she is full of alot of hot air. I didnt want this sweet child have her special day go by unnoticed.
These stories are tearing me up! WOW! My cousin, who has breast cancer and all the medical bills associated with that disease, would give you the shirt off of her back. I on the other hand am skeptical of people and look for a reason not to give. I sent my cousin a $100 wal-Mart gift card at Christmas and did not sign the card. I know she probably used it to help someone other than herself and I hope she did.
Great giveaway!
mcginnis135 at bellsouth dot net
My last raok was giving a nice bottle of wine to an essential stranger. We were chatting on a local forum about restaurants and food and the conversation turned to wine. We dont drink alcohol, but have been given wine as gifts. I told the person that they could come by and pick it up of they wanted to. We've been friends ever since. It was very random and out of the norm, but luckily it was safe.
I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year. Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!
My friend was dying of an aggressive cancer but didn't want to leave her third story apartment.I offered to be her Primary Caregiver even though I had four kids to care for also.God helped me all the way through and if I had to do it all over again,I would.It was a real blessing to be there during her last moments of life and offer her come comfort. My kids missed me and really stepped up to the bat to help out with home chores.Thanks for the chance to win !
i'm usually the one who helps others. i do a fundraiser every year to raise money for kids with cancer: www.bloggingforkids.shebecameabutterfly.net
when their families have financial troubles, i send them gc's to help out.
now, i'm the one that has needed help. i got laid off in oct and haven't been able to get a job yet. my best friend just gave me $250 so i could pay my rent!! paying it forward does indeed work!
pookielocks [at] ymail [dot] com
I realized I had accidentally stolen some Target merchandise by putting it in my stroller basket and not taking it out... well, I unhooked my baby from the carseat (always a pain) and went back in to pay for the goods! She looked at me like 'are you for real?!?!' it was funny!
One of my favorite things to do is pay for the car behind me in a fast food drive thru. Someone did this for me once, and I was blown away. It's usually not that expensive, and really makes someones day. I love the smiles I see in my rear view mirror!
Once I found this twenty on the ground I brought the five people behind me starbucks.
Just the other day at fast food in our town a guy ahead of us in line yelled at the clerk and made her very upset. We said hello when we approached and I went on to compliment some pins on her lapel. She brightened up telling me where each of them came from and that some were even from customers that like her a lot and come regularly!
It took us a few extra minutes after a very long night at work but it made us feel very good that she was smiling after she met us.
Random acts of kindness. Over the years I have tried to live my life that way. It was easy for me.
I adopt dogs - have 4 right now.
I drive dogs past a kill shelter to a no-kill shelter when I find a stray. 60 miles vs 10.
I have stopped traffic to help a gaggle of ducks cross the road.
Enough about animals, now onto people.
I carry canned food with pop-tops for homeless people, begging on the street.
I have gotten out of my car in the POURING rain to help a couple get from an eave to their car.
I have lent out my blanket on a train trip because the child was colder then I was cold.
I hold open doors.
I say thank you and excuse me to strangers. I even smile at them, looking them in the eye when I do. I acknowledge that they exist. Especially if they are much older then I am.
At a museum where you rent head-sets to hear about an exhibit, after I was done, I looked around for a good candidate to pass my headset. Saving a lady in a wheelchair, who was being pushed by her son $10. It - hopefully - increased their joy of the exhibit.
There are many opportunities to do good deeds.
A smile gives you pleasure and can let another person know that someone cares that they exist.
Also, I make up stories in my head as to why someone is rude. It helps me not be angry when a person cuts me off without a turn signal..... It is "Try to see how close you can come to scaring the ... out of someone day" but I did not know. Or
Maybe the story will be ...Wow, Demolition driver forgot he was not at the show. Better give him some more room.
You have the power to decide how you will react internally to external forces. You can laugh it off or get really angry. Laughter is the best.
Thank you for this post. It allows me to see other people who care and to know there are other people out there doing random acts of kindness.
Thank you
Yesterday, I bought someone a subscription to an online site that I am on. I love doing things for other people. It brightens my day. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
One day when I was at the pharmacy picking up a prescription, the lady in front of me, holding a sick baby, was telling the pharmacist she didn't have that much money, could she pay part then and part later. He said no, even though it was medicine for her sick baby. I told him to add her Rx to my bill. I didn't let the lady give me any of the money she had. She blessed me much, but I already had a good feeling from doing it. I told her to someday do a good deed for someone else.
Years before, when we'd had little money and no jobs, and our car broke, a friend GAVE us the truck he'd been going to sell. We never forgot that, so we try to help others too.
I've worked in nursing for almost 18 years ~ mostly in nursing homes. Every year at Christmas time I ask for a list of the residents that have no family & I buy gifts for them. This past Christmas I didn't do it as I had just lost my grandmother the month before & had NO holiday spirit ~ I felt really bad about it , so when I was cleaning out my grandmothers things I decided to take everything that was usable & donate it to the nursing home residents.
I witness acts of kindness from my husband every day such as him offering to take someone's grocery cart back with the one he's taking back while at the store.
A couple months ago I was on a big grocery shopping trip, armed with my coupons and freebies, of course. Just as the checker tallied it and said I had saved $76, I heard a woman behind me say that they'd have to put some things back as they didn't have money enough. When I turned toward them there was the lady, her husband and 3 small children. I quickly handed their checker a $20 and asked if that would do it. She assured me it would, so I left. As I was still loading my car the woman came up with tears, to thank me. I just told her that when I'm short I hope God puts some stranger in the next aisle with $20 to spare! Its a great feeling to be able to help someone out! Thanks
I love doing for others and hope someday when I need or if I need it and do not know I do, it will come back to me. I love making meals and taking them to people around our area, who live alone and do not cook for themselves. My eldest son went out and cracked ice on the sidewalk and refused payment from people becuase it was important he do it because they cannot..I am so proud of that.
I like to do for others and honestly try everyday to do a good deed. Sometimes something as easy as taking someone elses cart back into the grocery store when I take mine back into the store. I don't like to leave them outside for an employee to have to come out and take in.
Today I shoveled both of my neighbors front walks. This is also not a big deal as I was already shoveling. They shovel for me sometimes too. We all try to work together. Good Neighbors
Thanks for the giveaway.
Have a Fantastic Day
When I was a little girl my mom got laid off...she was a single mom and then the washing machine broke...the man that came to fix it brought 2 large boxes of food with him...fruit and veggies...not only did he fix the washing machine for very little but he fed us for almost two weeks...Thank you for participating in the giveaway....Carol Jo....cvdmvega@yahoo.com
I heard about a guy on the news who got some inheritance money. He decided to hang out at a gas station all afternoon and paid for a bunch of people's gas for them! Isn't that sweet! People are so nice!
I have paid tolls for others, left coupons for products next to them, etc.
I have been the recipient of many acts of kindness in my life, but most recently I received some kind words from a customer at work that really hit home for me. Work has been very stressful lately and this customer reminded me why I do what I do.
I love to cook for families who are experiencing a tradegy :( Often they have no idea the meal has come from me.
I am happy to pay it forward with your gift.
When our hot water heater went absolutely wonky last Spring and drained our bank account, some of my parents friends gave us a stack of gift cards to different stores. It was so wonderful of them to do that for us, especially when we didn't know them that well.
My life is good and I have been given much (a wonderful husband, three beautiful children, enough money to pay the bills usually, grace, forgiveness, love, family, friends, the list goes on) - much is expected of me, not to hide or bury it in the sand.
I am a giver...I love to give of my time, finances, prayers, or in any way that I can. A Christian radio station close to my town picked one day a month and would have their listeners pay for something for someone else...whether it be their gas, fast food, toll, coffee, etc. I need to do that more it was awesome. I have often given cash or gc to people that have been down on their luck. Or this last fall two of my friends had sons graduating from the armed forces basic training one in OK and one in TX. My husband travels a lot and so he has lots of free hotel stays...I gave each of them a couple of nights stay at hotels and that allowed them enough extra money to actually make the trips to see their sons graduate. What an awesome feeling that is - who needs drugs for a high?
God has been gracious to me in giving to me so that I can give - I think I am blessed more than they!
Thank you for your giveaway and for allowing me to read these wonderful stories!
I have helped my mother and my friend with their blogs. I reformat them and help them post.
I paid it foward to my best freinds mom who is 57 and she thought she was going through menopause and she got preggo and I gave her the stuff my kids had outgrown and she was very thankful
Christina - xristya@rock.com - When I was younger I used to go out dancing a lot, and I once went with a videographer to a place called The Mad Planet. Afterwards, at about 2:30 AM, we were trying to drive home but traffic was backed up - and we thought there had been a car accident - but as we drew nearer to the blockage I saw that in the middle of the street, on this summer night, there was a girl in her early 20's being beaten up by two huge men, bleeding from her head and her stomach! It appalled me that no one in cars ahead of us had stopped (filled with lots of gangs of guys who could have stopped the situation, but many just jeered drunkenly), and so I told the tall, thin videographer that we had to stop and help her! He proclaimed that HE wasn't getting out and getting beaten up, so I made him stop the car and got out myself, and with a mental flash walked up to these guys and said, "Hi! Didn't I meet you at that party last week? Want a ride home?" They looked at me in a confused manner and then just stopped punching the girl and left! I took her by the arm - she was extremely frightened and didn't want to go with me - and told her it was ok, and we drove her to her house and called the police - I said I'd stay with her till they arrived. Three hours later they hadn't yet arrived, despite more phone calls on our part! I bandaged her and we took her to the hospital. I kept thinking, what if it were ME out there being beaten up and no one stopped to help me? The videographer initially said that she probably deserved it, but I believe NO woman deserves that! I could have been beaten up or in trouble but I wasn't (I really didn't understand why they left but later others told me maybe they were worried that I could identify them, since I supposedly knew them), and it just seemed that I was supposed to be there at that time to help the girl (scared me but I HAD to do it!). It turned out that she was walking home because her boyfriend had broken up with her at the dance place and wouldn't drive her home!
I give out cash donations without name so many times. I always feel I am much richer than many poorers even in social terms, I am not that rich. your story is very touchy.thanks
the act of kindness would be my nieghbor got stuck and my family and other nieghbors helped him thank u for a chance to win
I love this kind of gift! I can actually tell you about one that I was granted last week! An online friend actually sent me an amazing gift! A Quickutz revolution die cut machine! She wasn't using it and decided that she wanted to give it to me! I couldn't believe it! It was such a blessing!
jinglesells at gmail dot com
My husband saw this guy walking every day when he went to work and thought that he must be walking to work so he stopped and gave him a ride. The guy told him that his vehicle had quit running and that he had to walk every day to work. My husband had an old truck that he didn't use so he gave it to this guy so he would not have to walk to work every day.
Around Christmas time there was a man who had gotten a job for the day standing outside the mall, holding a sign advertising a sale in one of the stores. It was so cold out but he was so enthusiastic about his job, waving at people and encouraging them to beep or give him a thumbs up. On our way out of the mall we stopped at a Dunkin Donuts and bought him a coffee to warm him up.
meddlingkidd [at] aol.com
I was in a similar situation. My ex had left and I had a baby to feed. One day I came home from Church and there was 6 bags of groceries on my door step and a not that said my utilities had been paid for that month. I just balled. I never forgot that.
A kind deed I last did was give a co-worker a ride home. I know it's not huge, but it was snowing and below zero out! Thanks!
My pay it forward kindness recent act was just last week. There was a teenager that had gone off the road and landed upside down in a pond and she is in a coma at the hospital. Her family has been at her bedside constantly in vigil. I figured they have not had any decent food for at least over a week so I called some local restaurants and arranged for some meals for them, went and picked them up and delivered the meals to them at dinner time. They were very happy to have some real food and to eat something besides hospital food for a change. I have never met this girl before but I can just imagine the feelings of the family having a teenage daughter in a coma and imagined if it were my son in that position. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
My elderly next door neighbors have a fruit tree and they still take the time to pick fruit and put it on the porch for my family. Incredible.
sc2466 at comcast dot net
I LOVE reading these.. they are so wonderful. Brings tears to my eyes!
I was 18 years old, newly married and a brand new mom having had a c-section.
My relationship was abusive and frightening. One night, after a bout of anger from him that involved a knife, my newborn daughter and our waterbed, I grabbed a diaper bag and my daughter and ran out of the house when he went next door for something.
I ran until I was out of breath and got to a house. I banged on the door and pleaded for them to let me in and call a friend. They let me in, fed my daughter and I and provided some solace. I left within the hour with a friend, escaping a horrible situation with my daughter.
That was 17 years ago, and I never got to thank those people for allowing a young girl and her daughter a sanctuary.
I gave someone a paid subscription to a sweepstakes site I go to. That person always seemed like such a nice person.
the other day it was snowing and my son and i went to the store. i saw a handicap employee go out to her car which was covered in snow. she was using a walker and trying to brush the snow off her car. i was in the middle of getting my 10 month old out of the car and said to myself that someone needed to help that woman. less than 30 sec later, another person came up to her and offered to clean off her car for her. i was so glad that i was not the only one who saw someone in need.
just recently (last month) I saw an older woman at the grocery store. She had very little in her cart and I could tell she was being very causious about what she bought. I watched her all through the store (trying not to be to obvious) and as I watched her go to the check out I got behind her and when the cashier gave her, her total which was about 28.00 I gave the cashier 2 20's the older woman just looked at me stunned I dont think she knew what to say, so I said Jesus told me to pay for your groceries today and with a tear in her eye she said well bless you sweetheart. Im tearing up as I type this. It wasnt a huge amount but it was a lot to her.. she hugged me and went on her way. I will never forget that day and I hope that one day if I ever need help that someone will be there to help me.
What a blessing you received in the mail back then. My hubby heard about a family who had lost their home and we anonymously donated some money to help them get on their feet. I've also anonymously paid for classes for a friend of mine just to bless her. Those things bless the giver, too.
Well, my husband lost his job over five months ago. Since then we have really changed emotionally. I see things differently than i did. I help out some families i know at church with food or just as simple as making cookies and dropping them off. The little things we do are what means the most :)
My husband and I have been trying for a child for nearly 4 years. We have been accepted into a study that would require us to use donor eggs, if we can find them. The generosity of everyone around us (even people we haven't spoken to in years) has really touched our hearts...and now our church has been on a mission to find us an egg donor, too. It is truly a humbling experience.
The thing that I did that still feels good when I think about it is to send a "care package" to a bloggy friend that was having a VERY hard time of it, both emotionally and financially. It felt so good to put together and mail that package. Not to mention knowing how much that tiny thing helped her and her children.
Hi.I have a neighbor who had to undergo shock treatment fore severe depression .Her family dumped her at her house to fend for herself.The poor woman was shaking like a leaf .I took her dinner each night and held her hands and prayed with her several times.She is doing well today ( many years later ).Thanks for the chance to win .tammyduc7@yahoo.com
This is actually something that my Mother in law did for me... After I had my son, there were some serious complications, and instead of asking me (because I would have said no, because I was embarrassed) she came and cooked for me. Enough for over a week, and some frozen. It was the most appreciated thing that anyone has ever done for me!
When I first moved to Texas, I was broke, jobless and hungry. I went to Wal-Mart to buy a loaf of bread, peanut butter and bananas to get by on. I was in the self checkout line because I was embarassed about paying for my measily groceries in change. As I was digging change out of my purse, the man behind me paid for my groceries. I was speechless, I just barely got out a thank you. I'm sure that buying my $5 worth of groceries was nothing for him but it was incredible to me. Suddenly, I didn't feels so alone and felt like I would make it out here!
My act of kindness, I help out with food and sundry items to a nehibor, I always tell her it was not me that got it for her but was
left on my porch for her..
so I guess this is an unkown act of kindness.
I am glad I found your blog- okay I do raok's all the time, but here's a good one that anyone can do- my 21 year old daughter is the one who told me about it.
She takes a bill ($1, $5, $10, whatever she can afford) and sticks it in or tapes it on an item at the store or thrift store- some of her favorites are on diapers (what new parent can't use some extra $) ramen, etc...
She writes a little blessing on it and goes on her merry way, knowing she has done her part in some small way to hopefully bring a smile to someones face.
In the drive through line at a fast food place. I have paid for the two orders behind me. Didn't know who they were, how much they bought. Paid for it, and I am sure it made their day.
Everyone should do that every so often. It's a small act of kindness.
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
I have 2 friends who are mentally challenged, but can live alone. I give them food and some amounts of money.
I had a fire in my apartment and lost just about everything in the fire. Red Cross and neighbors helped me out in getting some new things. I dont have a lot, but what I have is appreciated.
a few months ago a girl i know very well had a fire at her house. Shes a single mom to 3 kids. I helped her as much as I could...I even hit a few yard sales and explained her situation and many people were just happy to help out for free. Its nice to see some kindness in the world still exists
I like to leave coupons at the food store next to the products so someone can use them if I don't plan on using them. I had gotten this idea from a show Ophra did years ago and liked it.
I've been on both ends of the pay it forward movement. I have given someone in line in front of me the extra money they needed to pay for their groceries if they went over what they had, amongst other things. Then this last Christmas, my family had fallen on very hard times and someone came through for us and made sure my children had a Christmas presents and dinner.
i love your $20 story. what a good lesson in kindness. it goes a long ways and it's always remembered.
an act of kindness that i have done recently is donating 4 new and unused outfits for a child whoes house had burned down. the father works with my husband and i was glad to be able to help out in a small way.
I try to do alot of acts of kindness so choosing one is hard.
1. In a snow storm almost a white out, I was driving thru a mall parking lot going to Kmart. I saw something that looked strange and drove over to check it out. It was an old woman in an electric wheelchair. The chair had broken down, she had been there over an hour. Those things are heavy and I couldnt lift it myself, so I flagged a guy down with a truck. We put her in the car, her wheelchair in the truck and went to Kmart. She was frozen solid. She said that she had been there do long, her battery died on her, and no one had stop to help but me.
We called the police and they came with an ambulance. I figured she better get checked out having been out there so long. This was in MA.
2. I was on leave from the service and driving across country. I saw a car go off the road into a ditch. I pulled over and ran to them across the freeway, just in time to knock the cigar lighter out of his hand. They were standing in a pool of gasoline. The whole thing would have gone up! They hadnt even noticed. I then went to a gas station and got a towtruck for them. This was in PA.
3. I suffered a head injury in a car accident and tried to continue my acts of kindness even though my world was spinning.. litterally. Even though it was hard for me to walk and talk and I could no longer drive I would fill a rolling suitcase at night in the winter and go to the parks in the city and hand out blankets and coats and Au Bon Pan food to the homeless, I did this every night for almost two years. From Midnight until 4 am. Also spread the word of God and tried to give them hope and inspiration.
Well, Thats a few I have done.. I always try to keep in the forefront of my mind that even though I dont have much - I can always do something to help someone.
Hope others are inspired by my acts to do the same.
also, the kids in the nieghborhood often find they are locked out, they know they have a safe place to come and call someone and have hot cocoa and something to eat and a place to do their homework until their moms come. This happens several times a week, its a cheap way to keep a kid safe and warm when mom cant be everywhere!
I had an addition on to mine that I wanted to share. We were grocery shopping for my parents and ourselves and had our infant with, it was in Dec. An older gentleman admired her, and proceeded to tell us about how he adores babies and he won't get anymore grandkids.
A few aisles later, he approached, asking if we had a savings for college for her yet. We replied that we had not because we were already stretching to the limit. We did not tell him about my mother's cancer or anything else.
He pulled a $20 from his wallet to start a fund for her.
I cried from the kindness. I have never seen him since.
Fifteen years ago I entered a women's shelter in Fargo, North Dakota. I felt like my world was coming to an end that night, and I felt completely worthless. As the staff person was taking me though the check-in process, she brought me to a large closet so I could get my bed linens and other necessary items. I could see that a lot of the items were very worn after being used by so many women who had come there before me. But instead of just grabbing any old thing off the top of the pile, the staff person carefully dug through the stacks until she came up with a lovely, nearly new and brightly colored towel and washcloth set. She said, "Here. You deserve to have something pretty tonight." That small act of kindness touched me deeply, and helped start me on the journey toward a rediscovery of my value as a woman.
I believe that you should do a kind deed everyday so its a way of life for me. I stopped at the bank drive thru and was talking to the teller. She told me that she was having car problems, so I offered her a ride that she need to go home at the end of her work day. I also do things that people don't know where it came from or give someone else credit. I feel I know and thats all that matters. I make sure to let my loved ones know they can count on me . That does extend to all. Its funny because I my wonderful man calls it a mercy mission ,someone runs out of gas ,flat tire ,he will do the running. In return ,pay it forward
The last act of kindness was when I helped a lady at the grocery store who dropped all her grocerys, I do that if I see someone needing help
When I was a child, my dad was laid off a lot, and there were a few Christmases where friends, family and strangers took us in and provided wonderful gifts, food and tons of love to our family of seven. Since then, my mom has always made it a priority to do the same for someone else each year. My favorite Christmas memories are all of those Christmas Eves dropping off bags of gifts and food on the doorstep of a family in need and then running to hide and hoping we could catch a glimpse of their faces as they opened their front door!
pbervie at mchsi dot com
Your story is so touching, it's nice to have a giveaway like this to read all the amazing stories! Thank you, and I love your blog :)
I like to go to a less fortunate nearby town every year around Christmas-time and I wrap about $50-100 in an envelope and if I hear somebody talking abuot "i wish i could afford this and that for this person" then i hand them the tightly sealed envelope (so they cant give it back) and I flee :)
Have a nice February!
I know this isnt alot but it meant alot to the recipient. My husband and I always take our clothes that we no longer want to a local consignment shop so we can get some of our money back. Well my husbands Mom called us one day and asked if he had any clothes that no longer needed because his uncle who is dieing of cancer needed some new clothes and had no money to buy any. So we cleaned the closet out and took a huge bag to his Mom so she could pass along. Growing up we didnt have alot and I always remember how happy I was when someone from church would clean their closet out and give me their clothes they no longer wanted. Something so small but something that means so much when you do not have alot. Great giveaway!!
I love when the Lord does things like that. His timing is always so perfect.
Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway. Hope you'll be back to visit again.
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