Friday, July 9, 2010

Trying to catch yall up! *a little graphic*

So last night around 9pm Nikki calls and says when she went to the bathroom that something gushed out. I told her to go to or call hospital. The nurse tells her it sounds like her mucus plug and to wait a while and if it soaks anything again to call back. 
Around 11pm she calls again and says it has done it again and calls the hospital again. This time they tell her it was her mucus plug (I've had 2 kids and never knew about a mucus plug!)and if it was her water (I've had 2 kids and my water never broke on it's own, the dr did it both times)it wouldn't have waited 2 hours to do it again so we wait some more. 
Nikki was told if you go to hospital call me (I live an hour away) Soooo at 5am I get a text, it says, I'm fine. went to hospital and they say my water hasn't broke and I'm only dilated to 2. They said she would probably have contractions until either her water broke or they induced which will be Tuesday am. 
I called her a bit ago and her contractions aren't as strong as they were last night and not as close so we wait......again.

Don't miss out on the contest! Can you guess when Drex will be born? Go a step farther and tell me how much you think he will weigh.

Why will my phone let me send a sms message to blogger and it will post and I can't send a mms so that i can have a longer post? It says I'm suppose to be able to do that. If any of you are blackberry/blogger post savvy please fill me in.


Oka said...

1- I did know about the mucus plug, but never knew when I lost mine, LOL

2- I have had three of my four break the water before the doctor had a chance.

Rhonda said...

Lost my mucous plug for each one of my girls and it wasn't long before the labor started. My water broke for Hannah and Lindsay, but the doc broke the one for Melanie while he was examining me for a visit. I was at 5 cm! I knew that something was going on because I was having little contractions, but nothing major. They zipped me right into the hospital and I had her that day. That little one is gonna be here soon!

Bree, Home of Blogmania said...

Oh I love this stage of the pregnancy, it's like the biggest waiting game and it's FUN. The unknown is fun :)- glad everyone is okay and ready for a great new baby!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! Little Drex is coming. :) Keep us posted girl.

Belinda said...

I imagine this is very frustrating for everyone, but soon....soon....

Fawn said...

I'm stopping by to invite you over to the Arkansas Women Bloggers site. We'd love to have you link up with us. We're also always looking for guest posters if you're interested.


gayle said...

I never knew about a mucus plug until my daughter was pg with my grandson!! Good luck!

Kmama said...

The mucus plug is DISGUSTING.

Any progress??

Unknown said...

Ugh, the plug! Lol!

Poor thing--I was told a million different things by everyone when I lost mine. Only to find out that I was 1/2 cm. 1 cm.

Crossing my fingers :) And how exciting!!