I went to the eye dr Wednesday and he says my eyes have gotten worse,wanted to know if I had been wearing my glasses all the time....ummm...no. He showed me what my vision looks like now compared to how it will look when my new glasses come in and man! I thought I could see. I now know I should be wearing them all the time.
Nikki left Tuesday night to go camping and stuff with a bunch of friends,they are in Illinois. From AR to IL...to camp? Anyway I've been lonely without her here. It'

Ok pity party over on that one.

I've been feeding Nikki's puppies and boy are they hyper! They are mixed pups but so pretty and they both have one blue eye and one brown. That makes 4 grand dogs for me and no babies. I took a pic of her pups and sent it to her saying "We miss you, please come home." I figure that'll make her feel guilty since she felt bad for leaving them. I'm such a sweet mom.
I did pick a winner on the Higher Hope book giveaway, it was a lady from blogger that won. I'll be getting that book out this week Jessica. I only had 3 people enter the giveaway and wish I had 3 copies for all of you.
I made my first purse/tote that I actually like. I'm going to give it to one of my nieces for Christmas and make another for the youngest. If I can get my camera to cooperate I'll add a pic. I also made my friend Alicia a glass tile necklace with the word friend out of an old dictionary on it. We have been friends since jr high and her birthday is at the end of August.
That brings me to my next giveaway! This will be a giveaway with a domino pendant or pin,you can choose and several other things that I'm keeping a secret for now. The 2 domino pendants I'm showing on the blog are not mine, I liked them and borrowed the pics so you could have an idea what I was talking about. (I love the socks with the red shoes)
1. So if your interested leave a comment and your name will be added for the giveaway.
2. For an extra entry blog about this giveaway and leave a separate comment letting me know you blogged about it with the link.
3. If your on blogger follow me and you get an extra entry.

My scrabble tile pendant! I love how it turned out but this is a bad pic.
These pics came messed up from Multiply...sorry if they don't make sense!
I follow too.
I have 3 daughters.. so maybe you can help prep me for the ride I'm in for. :)
What a great giveaway! Count me in.
Thanks for stopping by and entering mine.
Have a great day!
Woo hoo count me in hon. I love your giveaways!
I can only imagine what it would be like to have my girls so far away from me. I know that they will grow up and move away one day, until then I am cherishing every minute with them. HUGZ to you girly!
I went to the eye dr today, my poop vision!
I'd like to be entered for the giveaway =)
KawaiiNeko2008 at aol dot com
Thanks so much for the fabulous giveaway - I love surprises and would be SO thrilled to win!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I am following your blog (username Nelsby).
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Please sign me up :-)
I am a new follower
Those are so cute! I'm a new follower and I'm in!
jmccown at liberty dot edu
I'll Play!
I love your name pendant!
Scrabble tile pendants are so fun to make and yours turned out so pretty! Love the red shoes too!
I follow :)
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