I heard of it or rather read about it the other day and then today I got a package from Vocalpoint! You stick them in your dryer and they are suppose to last about 4 months. That means 4 months of not having to remember the dryer sheet...or liquid softener. I know I'm the worlds worse when it comes to the liquid stuff. I always remember it when I'm putting the clothes in the dryer...not sure why I buy it!
Anyhoo! Vocalpoint sent me a coupon for a bar and sent me 3 coupons to share so if your interested in trying this out leave a comment and I'll pick 3 winners from Multiply and Blogspot on Friday. I'm not sure how much they cost but the coupons worth $1.50 off.
DON"T FORGET ABOUT THE SURPRISE GIVEAWAY! It will end Friday! Click here to go to it!

I would definitely like a coupon. This is something new that I have not seen yet. I used to use the liquid softener, but I was like you and always forgot to put it in the wash. I use the dryer sheets now, but this would be so much more convenient. :0)
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