2. Drex isn't real fond of Chevy right now but I'm betting they will be partners in crime before too long.

4. I have over 100 cousins. true story
5. When my grampa passed in 2002 there was 109 of us if I'm remembering right.
6. We have had quite a few born since then. I'm from a
7. All of the 100+ cousins come from 6 kids that are my aunts,uncle and mom.
8. They include 1st,2nds,3rds a few 4ths and steps.
9. I have personally met most all of them.
10. Playing with Chevy and Drex today has inspired this TTT on cousins.... Chevy was born Oct 5 and Drex July 12...yep I'm betting partners in crime!
They will get along just fine when they are both mobile. It just make since to them right now.
I have no clue how many cousins I do/don't have. I don't get stuck on that though. I am working more on the kids and their cousins :D
They are adorable! I bet they will be inseparable when they get older!
My family is originally from Tennessee... Mom's side had 8 kids and my dad's side had 16 (8 came from a different marriage!) Let's just say with ALL that family, 1st, 2nd and I'm sure 3rd cousins, I considered myself related to the whole freaking state! LOL
Wow that is a big family! My husband has a large family (on his mom's side). We have that family gathering this weekend (ugh).
100+ cousins?!? I have only 2! Wow
ROFL @ partners in crime! Oh how I love big families!
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