I made these posy flowers for the button and to decorate the pocket, the one on the pocket is removable to wear on a jacket or tank top. So be honest and tell me what you think!

The material on the outside is black with silver lines through it. The inside is whiye with blue flowers.

Big posy for button closure.
Nikki is doing much better, she has called me a million times today...OCD! I wish she'd take meds like the dr wants her too. If she thinks I sound "weird" then she'll call over and over and over! I'm fine just been concentrating on sewing. *sigh*
Kelly is doing great! At least I hear great and she sounds wonderful. She goes to OB-GYN Thurs. and we will know more then. Thank you all so much for the prayers.
It's a great looking tote...very stylish! Love teh removeable flowers!
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