- Paperback: 296 pages
- Publisher: Black Rose Writing (December 16, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1935605909
- ISBN-13: 978-1935605904

It was Easter Sunday; the day Lilly’s life went from safe and comfortable to dangerously unfamiliar. Her transformation takes her from a small town girl having an affair with a low ranked gangster in the Montiago crime syndicate, to a woman of grace and fortitude married to the head of the organization.
Lilly tells the story of her life — and the lives of her children — with childlike innocence, yet she’s desperate for security and companionship. The hint of forbidden love and betrayal that ultimately puts brother against brother adds to the suspense and intrigue. The syndicate engulfs the Montiago family as they turn each other inside out over the love of a woman. Easter’s Lilly is an inspired journey from the idyllic to the darker side of self-discovery. Read as the over-privileged brothers embark on their journey that twists and turns down the road of unbridled passion in the first book of the series.
My Thoughts
I read this in 2 nights! It would have been one but meds knocked me out. The story is about a young girl thinking she's in love with a guy that her family says is all wrong for her. In a roundabout way she gets caught up with the Montiago family and boy is her life caught up in a whirlwind! She finds out people are not who she thinks and some are less than what she thought. I'm not going to say much more because I don't want to give anything away.
I really enjoyed this book. It's a love story with a mobster family twist and it moves fast enough to keep you glued to the pages. I enjoy the way Judy Serrano tells a story.
There was only one thing I DID NOT like and that was having to wait for part 2!!! I'm anxiously waiting to find out what happens the next Easter Sunday!
You can learn more about Judy's book on her web page www.easterslilly.com . It is also available at http://www.amazon.com/ Easters-Lilly-Judy-Serrano/dp/ 1935605909/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8& qid=1305563087&sr=8-1
, (Both in paperback and Kindle)
While your checking out the book go by and check out the author's blog too!
Thank you so much Lisa. You are most kind and I appreciate the time you took reading and reviewing Easter's Lilly. Book two is called Brother Number 3 and has an expected release date of June 16th. The third book of the series is scheduled for release sometime in January 2012. Hoping you will check them out!
Hi Lisa,
I am reading this book and am part of the book tour! Great review! I am only on page 65 or so!
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