Could it actually be here? I know the weather here was absolutely beautiful today. I wanted to rake and burn leaves but we don't have any yet. Soon...they will come. I have all my windows up, I love how it smells this time of year.
I got my phone bill...actually I got a text telling me they are going to shut me off if I don't pay the amount due. I don't know what has happened but I'm being charged for some online time I don't think I did. I'll wait til tomorrow and call them because all I do is get frustrated when I have to talk to sprint.
I talk to my youngest today....she seems down which of course I can understand with her and her husband going thru this "thing" ...whatever that may be. *sigh* It hurts when your the mom and can't fix the booboo.
The oldest has been sick, can't fix that booboo either. Maybe I'm just feeling like a failure in the mother department right now. Although the boy seems just fine, as he should. It's easy when your only 13 and have no problems.
I'll stop here and hope that one day I'll get friends over here at this blog. :)